Types of Coffee Beans - All You Should Know About Them


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Types of Coffee Beans - All You Should Know About Them

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    Do you know how many types of coffee beans are there? And what makes them different from each other? Well, if you are a coffee lover, you should know your beans! After all, different coffee beans offer a different taste profile. Besides, every type of coffee bean is defined by its origin. Want to know more about coffee beans? This blog is your guide to the major coffee bean types and the qualities that make them special. 

    What are the Different Types of Coffee Beans?

    There are four main types of coffee beans used to brew your favorite cup of joe. Knowing about all of them helps you make the right choice when you buy coffee. These differ in terms of flavor profile, growing conditions, and caffeine content. These include:

    • Arabica (Coffee arabica)
    • Robusta (Coffee caniphora)
    • Liberica (Coffee liberica)
    • Excelsa (Coffee liberica var. dewevrei)

    What gives all these beans their characteristic qualities? Well, these coffee beans were not beans from day one. They were seeds of a cherry-like fruit. From there, they are harvested and undergo fermentation and roasting. And this is what gives these coffee beans their signature flavor and other qualities. 

    “Coffee beans are defined by their terroir, cultivation, harvesting, ripeness, processing and even roasting.” - Brandon Damitz

    Moreover, each of these beans has a different history and origin. You should also know that these types extend to so many more variants including Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Sumatran Coffee, etc. Let’s get into some more details of the beans you love to sip on so much.

    Coffee Beans




    (per 100g)




    Smooth and less bitter

    1.2 – 1.5g 

    Brewed Coffee, Espresso


    Sub-Saharan Africa

    Bitter, woody nutty, earthy

    2.2 – 2.7g

    Coffee blends, espresso


    Southeast Asia



    Blends, Brewed coffee


    Southeast Asia

    Tart, fruity, rich

    0.86 to 1.13g

    Desserts, Brewed Coffee

    Arabica Coffee Beans

    This is the most popular and commonly produced coffee bean variety. There won’t be a coffee shop in the world where Arabica beans are not being brewed - it's that famous. Moreover, these beans are loved so much because of their higher quality and nuanced flavors. Another reason for their popularity is that their flavor profile caters to a wide range of taste preferences. 

    “Around 60% of the total coffee beans produced worldwide are Arabica

    Moreover, the origin of Arabica coffee beans goes back to Ethiopia (Arabian peninsula). Arab traders introduced them to the world. And this is why they are called ARABICA BEANS. Here are some of the qualities that make them different from the others:

    What Do Arabica Beans Taste Like?

    You should know that Arabica coffee beans are known for their smooth flavors and mouthfeel. Moreover, the flavors of these beans can vary a great deal. You can expect them to give off nutty, fruity, floral, chocolatey, and even syrupy. The best part – Arabica beans are not too bitter. This is the reason that it is a top favorite among coffee lovers. Also, they have a higher acidity. Therefore, their taste feels bright and snappy to you.

    Where do Arabica Beans Come From?

    As aforementioned, Arabica coffee beans were first grown in Ethiopia. But now that they are the most produced and consumed beans, this is not their only growth region. You should know that Arabica coffee is grown in different regions of South America, Central America, and East Africa. Aren’t there any other regions of cultivation? Well, growing these beans requires a certain type of soil conditions and climate. 

    Arabica beans are sensitive to temperature, humidity, and soil quality. They need all these factors to be in ideal condition for growth and harvest.

    Furthermore, the most popular Arabica growing regions include the following countries:

    • Brazil
    • Costa Rica
    • Ethiopia
    • Columbia
    • Guatemala
    • Kenya
    • Peru
    • Honduras
    • Tanzania 

    Robusta Coffee Beans

    Robusta is the second most produced and consumed type of coffee beans around the world. These are more rounded and relatively larger in shape. Moreover, the Robusta coffee beans come from the Coffea canephora plant, which is native to Sub-Saharan Africa. Besides, they find their uses in the making of instant coffee and espresso. You should know that they are the main ingredient of the classic Italian espresso blends.

    Robusta coffee beans make up to 30% of the total beans produced around the world”

    If you are a true coffee lover, you must know the difference between Arabica vs. Robusta taste. But if you don’t, we have you covered below.

    What Do Robusta Beans Taste Like?

    People usually describe the taste of these beans as bitter and strong – sometimes even harsh. Moreover, Robusta coffee beans usually give earthy, nutty, and woody flavor notes. You should know that the bitterness is because they hold fewer oils. Besides, if you are into stronger coffee, these beans are for you. Because of their bold and deep flavors, they really go well with other flavoring. They taste best if you add steamed milk or cream to the brewed coffee.

    Where do robusta beans come from?

    Being a popular choice around the world, Robusta coffee beans are grown in different countries across the globe. However, you can’t just grow them anywhere. After all, they need specific geographical and climatic conditions for proper cultivation and harvest. In other words, terroir matters a lot for the growth of robusta beans.

    “Robusta beans are grown in regions of warm and humid climates. They also need a significant amount of rainfall for growth.”

    The plant on which these beans grow is native to sub-Saharan Africa. But where else do they grow? Here are some of the countries producing these delectable coffee beans:

    • Vietnam
    • Brazil
    • India
    • Congo

    Arabica vs. Robusta, Which is better?

    Well, which one you find better, Arabica or Robusta, totally depends on your taste preferences. However, most people find Arabica to be a better option because it is less bitter, has less caffeine, and offers a smooth sipping experience. On the other hand, Robusta is robust and has a higher caffeine content. Therefore, it’s not everyone’s cup of coffee. Haven’t tried these yet? Well, head to Backyard Brew now! Our collection of coffee features these beans in the most exquisite blends. 

    Arabica vs. Robusta, Which is Good for Espresso?

    You can use both but the ideal choice of beans for espresso is a blend of both Arabica and Robusta. Together, they offer a perfectly strong and smooth flavor.  You can use Robusta beans alone but they are harsh enough to be not that perfect for espresso. On the other hand, the complex flavors of Arabica on their own are also not very espresso-coded. So, it is always better to blend them with each other. 

    That’s That… Espresso!
    “For the production of espresso, Robusta is a great choice for the caffeine while Arabica is for the taste. Together, they make the perfect blend.”

    Liberica Coffee Beans

    These coffee beans are known for their unique flavor and appearance. Liberica coffee beans are irregular and are larger than any other beans. Most people only know about Arabica or Robusta. Yes, that’s right! Even “wannabe coffee lovers” don’t know about these. But these beans are really exotic. Besides, they are one of the rarest coffee beans produced worldwide. If you are into bold and decadent coffee flavors, these are just right for you.

    Liberica coffee beans comprise less than 1.5% of the total worldwide coffee production”

    Because of their premium status, these beans are commonly used in signature coffee blends. Did try any? Well, totally you lose!

    What Does Liberica Beans Taste Like?

    These coffee beans are known for their distinct and bold flavor. With every sip, you get to experience the magic of exquisite coffee taste and aroma. Moreover, Liberica coffee beans tend to have a full-bodied taste. Besides, it has woody, smoky, and nutty flavor notes. And its aroma is completely on a different spectrum; it’s floral and fruity, resembling that of jackfruit. 

    What are the Growth Regions of Liberica?

    You should know that Liberica coffee is majorly grown in Southeast Asia. Just like others, this plant also needs specific climate and soil conditions for proper cultivation. Moreover, the growth region or origin also defines the qualities and characteristics of these beans. Anyway, the main countries where Liberian coffee is cultivated include:

    • Philippines
    • Malaysia
    • Indonesia

    As the name suggests, the origin of these beans takes us back to Liberia, West Africa. But it's now mostly cultivated in Southeast Asia with the Philippines being the major producer. 

    Excelsa Coffee Beans

    Talking about rare beans, we can’t miss one of the rarest. You should know that Excelsa coffee beans have an elongated shape. Moreover, they have low bitterness and mild to low acidity. You can usually find them in several blends for enhanced flavors.  And when brewed on their own, these beans offer super delicious flavors. If you are a true coffee lover, these coffee beans are a must-try.  Although it’s less famous than Arabica or Robusta, it still stands out because of its unique qualities. 

    What Does Excelsa Coffee Taste Like?

    Excelsa coffee beans have an exotic yet complex flavor profile. Moreover, their overall taste can vary based on their growing conditions, altitude, region, and processing methods. You can usually expect fruity, tart-like, and dark flavors from them. Besides, the actual taste profile can vary from fruity to smoky with notes of several fruits, peanut butter, cocoa, and even raw sugar. So, its flavor is really a spectrum.

    Where Do Excelsa Coffee Beans Grow?

    Similar to Liberica, Excelsa coffee beans were first grown in Africa. But today, their major growth region is Southeast Asia. You should also know that these beans were also grown in Central America initially. However, the main producers now surely are the Southeast Asian countries. Because their regions are the same, Excelsa beans were found to have a close relation with Liberica beans. Their main growth regions are:

    • Philippines
    • Malaysia

    Quick Question: Why Is Excelsa Coffee So Rare?

    Excelsa coffee beans are rare because of their limited production - mostly in the Southeast Asian region. Besides, their production usually takes place on a small scale and a major consumption takes place in the production countries. As a result, very little beans are left for export. Hence, it has become a rare and exotic product to the rest of the world.

    Other Exotic Types of Coffee Beans

    You already know about the main four types of coffee beans. But are there any other you should know about? Well, yes! Apart from the above beans, there are other specialty coffee beans too. And all of them offer different flavors and have different qualities and benefits. I’m talking about: Geisha, Bourbon, Peaberry, and Typica. Let’s sum up everything you should know about them:

    Bean Types





    Ethiopia, Central America

    Floral, citrus



    Réunion Island

    Balanced, chocolate, caramel, fruit



    Tanzania, Kenya, and Ethiopia

    Intense, concentrated flavor




    Balanced, fruit, floral, wine



    I hope that the above guide on the types of coffee beans was as delightful as the cup of your favorite coffee. Moreover, there are four main types you should know about. From the common ones like Arabica to the rarest Excelsa, you find all the info you must know for a mindful sipping experience. Moreover, there are also some exotic flavors that you must try too. If you are a true coffee lover, you have to try all these beans at least once in your life. Can’t decide on which one to try first.  Well, the choice is yours. I’ve given all the qualities and traits so you can pick the best one for yourself.


    Ryan Khalil - Author

    Ryan, better known as the Tailor of Flavor, is a masterful artisan with a passion for delighting people with remarkable flavors. He’s always focused on providing unforgettable experiences through his tasteful creations. When it comes to tea and coffee, Ryan carefully curates the finest ingredients to create authentic products for you. This blog gives you a sneak peek of his take on coffee, tea, and their status as beloved beverages.

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