What is Single Origin Coffee? Everything You Need to Know


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    If you’ve been shopping lately, you must have seen single origin coffee and mixed coffee options in the market. Now, if the normal – the usual – coffee is mixed coffee, then what is the other one? What exactly is this single origin espresso? And is this better than mixed coffee? Too many questions and not enough answers, right? Well, we are going to give you a brief on what it is, its qualities, and everything that you need to know – all in this blog. So, if you want to find out what it is, just make sure that you read this to the very end. Here we begin!

    What is single origin coffee?

    To answer you in the simplest way possible, it is coffee grown within a single known geographic origin – a single origin. Moreover, this single origin can be a single farm, multiple farms from the same country, or just a blend of the coffees grown from that country. But why is it so special? The secret to this is also in the single origin of this coffee. After all, because this coffee has a single origin, it has a consistent taste. You can trace its origin back to the source it came from. What’s more, it makes the brew stronger and more intense – healthier and more beneficial. In fact, blended coffee from multiple origins cannot even compete with the taste of single source coffee. The most common types of this coffee include:

    • Micro-lot coffee
    • Small-lot coffee
    • Single estate coffee

        Furthermore, another great aspect about this coffee is its transparency and traceability. After all, with recent genomic research it is indicated that it is possible to identify the parent tree of coffee beans. Hence, it allows the buyers to authenticate a single-origin coffee. Now, are you thinking about trying some? If so, you should definitely buy single origin coffee and give it a try. Clearly, you will not regret tasting it. What’s more, you will be drinking only this for the rest of your coffee-loving life.

        Fun Fact: It Is now possible to identify the DNA Fingerprint of coffee trees thanks to genomic research.

        Qualities of Single Origin Coffee

        What is Single Origin Coffee

        Clearly, the best aspect of single origin coffee is that it embodies a celebration of diversity, craftsmanship, and exploration. In fact, it elevates the coffee-drinking experience while fostering sustainability and supporting communities around the world. Here are some qualities of this coffee that you should know:


        It is the origin – geographic region – of coffee. Additionally, it is important because it influences flavor, aroma, and characteristics of the coffee beans. For example, Ethiopian coffee has floral and fruity taste while the Colombian coffee has a smoothly balanced profile.


        As aforementioned, this coffee celebrates the expertise and traditions of local farmers and producers. What’s more, it is supported by a sustainable farming practice – results from fair wages and is part of community development initiatives. By drinking it, you connect with the people who are behind this brew.

        Cultural Appreciation

        It is on par with fine wine or craft beer when it comes to origin and varietal aspects. Undoubtedly, it has a very delightedly distinctive aroma, acidity, body, and aftertaste. When you drink this, you transform your coffee consumption into a sensual pleasure.

        "Single-origin coffee embodies the essence of its terroir, capturing the unique flavors of a particular region. By practicing sustainable farming methods, we ensure that these flavors are not just preserved but enhanced, reflecting the harmony between nature and cultivation." - Alejandro Martinez, Coffee Producer, El Salvador.

        Why does single origin coffee taste better than coffee blends?

        Now that you know single origin coffee's meaning, let's talk about the taste. So, why does it taste better than the coffee blends – mixed coffee? Well, here are some reasons to answer this question:

        • It is never wise to blend the coffee beans because it muddies their flavors. After all, the flavor profiles of different coffee beans are different. Thus, when you mix them, these profiles clash and cancel each other out.
        • Mixed blends don’t have consistency in flavor. For example, every cup that you will make will have a different intensity of bitterness. And it will not be pleasant like coffee is supposed to be. But because this issue is only limited to mixed blends, single origin beans taste consistent and pleasantly bitter.
        • You will also note that mixed blends are not smooth and even because the coffee beans are roasted at different temperatures. So, this difference ruins the smoothness and evenness of the coffee. However, single origin beans are all roasted at the same temperature. Thus, these beans are consistent in flavor.
        • The acidity levels of single-origin beans are low. In fact, this is the main reason they taste so good. After all, it makes the beans easier to taste on the stomach – especially for people sensitive to acidity. Clearly, mixed blends do not offer the same level of low acidity.

        Single Origin Coffee vs Mixed Blends

        Consistency in Flavor 1 Inconsistent Flavor
        Low levels of Acidity 2 Unbalanced Acidity
        Intense Flavor Profile 3 Flawed Flavor Profile
        Smooth and even 4 Mixed and Muddy 

        What are the benefits of Single Origin Coffee?

        Now that we are clear on, “what does single origin coffee mean?” and “why does it taste better than mixed blends?” Let's move on to the next subject – the next question. And that is, “what are the benefits it can offer you?” Ready to learn? Here are all the benefits it brings to your daily cup of coffee:

        It helps you expand your taste profiles

        This is the best benefit of single origin coffee for you. Clearly, it is more aromatic and flavorful than the mixed blends. So, you can experience a comprehensive range of flavors in it. Ultimately, it allows you to explore the different flavors of different origins – check different taste profiles.

        It does not put your health at serious risk

        Because farmers do not subject this coffee to agricultural chemicals, it does not pose any health risks. In fact, you should know that most of the organic coffee is single origin because you do not use any pesticides to grow it. you put sustainable practices in use to grow the coffee beans of these.

        It has positive impact on the environment

        As aforementioned, you do not use any pesticides to grow this coffee. Thus, it does not harm the soil. And because it does not harm the soil, the environment is not badly impacted by this coffee. You use natural conservation methods and sustainable farming practices to grow these. It also reduces the distance of shipment – fewer emissions along the way.

        Single-Origin vs Blend Coffee

        Now that you know single-origin has a better taste than mixed blends, we should discuss the differences they hold against each other. And although you might have a pretty clear idea of what these differences are by now, still, it will be a clarity point to discuss them again properly. After all, it will help you convert from mixed blends to single origin.

        Primarily, the main difference between single-origin coffee and blend is, well, the origin. After all, all the beans in a single-origin coffee come from the same country or region. But when it comes to mixed blends, you make it with beans from all over the world.

        Did you know? Two single-origin coffees will taste different from one another. It is because they have different origins with different soil, water, and climate conditions.

        You should also know that beans of single origin have notes of blueberry, chocolate, cinnamon, earthy flavors, or floral overtones. Mostly, it depends on the region they come from. What’s more, these beans also have unique acidity levels and body types. Ultimately, this is the aspect that makes them stand out among mixed blends.

        Furthermore, single-origin coffee is becoming more popular because it offers a more complex flavor profile than blends do. After all, when you source coffee from a single country or region – a single origin – you get a sense of the unique flavor of that place. Clearly, the taste is very consistent, and the coffee has low levels of acidity – contrary to mixed blends and their inconsistent flavor with high levels of acidity.

        Future of Single Origin Coffee

        Undoubtedly, single origin coffee has emerged as a frontrunner, captivating the palates and imaginations of enthusiasts worldwide. You can think of it as something that is so much more than just, well, coffee. After all, it brings provenance, quality, and authenticity to your everyday coffee cup.

        Clearly, the future of this coffee is very bright as more and more people are becoming conscious of the coffee they consume – people are switching from mixed blends to single origin coffee. What’s more, you should know that it has a promising future because it provides you with a memorable flavor experience. Because the mixed blends are produced in masses, they have inconsistent flavor profiles.

        Unlike mixed blends, you get amazing flavors, aromas, and tasting notes waiting to be discovered in the single origin coffee. Clearly, you see the story of geographic heritage in each cup of this coffee. Moreover, thanks to this coffee, the demand for transparency and traceability in the coffee industry has started growing. Because single origin coffee provides a direct link between consumers and coffee farmers, it helps foster transparency, trust, and accountability throughout the supply chain.

        For people, knowing where your coffee comes from and how it's produced has become increasingly important. Besides, by opting for single-origin brews, consumers not only savor exceptional quality but also support sustainable farming practices, fair wages, and community development initiatives.

        Key takeaway:

        Because people are developing a diverse sense of taste, they are attracted to the authenticity and complexity offered by single-origin brews. In fact, as the awareness of the environmental and social impact of coffee production grows, more people are willing to pay a premium for ethically sourced, sustainably produced coffee.

        "The future of coffee lies in the stories of its origins, the diversity of its flavors, and the sustainability of its production. Single-origin coffee embodies these principles, offering consumers a deeper connection to the source and a more meaningful coffee experience." - Sophia Lee, Director of Coffee Education, Specialty Coffee Association

        Ending Thoughts on Single Origin Coffee

        Undoubtedly, now that we have considered almost everything about single origin coffee, it is safe to say that the future is very bright and promising for it. After all, it answers the consumers’ demand for quality, transparency, and sustainability in the production of coffee. Moreover, as more and more consumers discover the joys of single-origin coffee, its influence will only continue to grow. Ultimately, we can say that it is reshaping the way we think about and experience coffee for generations to come.


        Ryan Khalil - Author

        Ryan, better known as the Tailor of Flavor, is a masterful artisan with a passion for delighting people with remarkable flavors. He’s always focused on providing unforgettable experiences through his tasteful creations. When it comes to tea and coffee, Ryan carefully curates the finest ingredients to create authentic products for you. This blog gives you a sneak peek of his take on coffee, tea, and their status as beloved beverages.

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