Black Tea & All About Its Origin, Production, Taste & Type


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Black Tea & All About Its Origin, Production, Taste & Type

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    If you are wondering what is black tea, you are probably a tea noob. Because hey, who doesn’t know about it? All the tea enthusiasts love black tea. In fact, it’s the most popular one among all the types out there. Moreover, it has been a traditional beverage choice across many cultures and has a rich history. Whether you want to kickstart your day or unwind with a cozy cup of tea, it is the perfect choice. This blog is going to be all about black tea. We’ll talk about its origin, production, types, taste, benefits and so much more. 

    Key Takeaways!

    •  Black tea is derived from the Camellia sinensis plant and offers the strongest flavor among all the other types.
    • Originating in China, black tea is now produced worldwide, including India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya.
    • Black tea contains the highest caffeine among teas because of the oxidation process it undergoes.
    • You can expect malty, smoky, fruity, sweet, and honey flavor notes from your cup of black tea.

    What is black tea? Its origin, processing, taste & types?

    Your – what is black tea – quest starts here. As aforementioned, black tea is the most popular among all types of tea. Tea lovers from all around the world cherish it. And not just tea lovers – everyone knows about black tea; it’s that popular. Moreover, it’s made of the leaves of Camellia sinensis tea plant. The leaves undergo oxidization which gives the tea its reddish-black color. Furthermore, it has a hearty and robust flavor that caters to a wide range of taste palates. Besides, it’s mouthfeel is a little astringent but it’s totally delightful. Besides, it offers the caffeine kick you need to Rise and Shine. 

    “The leaves of Camellia sinensis undergo full oxidization for the production of black tea.”

    You should know that black tea is considered as the strongest tea. After all, full oxidization leads to high caffeine. Plus, it has so much variety for you to explore. We’ll talk about the popular ones, but first let’s talk about it’s origin.

    Origin of Black Tea – Where was it Discovered?

    Before you get yourself one, it is important to know where does black tea come from. The history of black tea is as rich as its flavors. It dates back to the 17th century in China. According to the legend, a farmer accidentally left a bunch of tea leaves out for oxidization for too long. As a result, the leaves turned dark red. Moreover, the farmer decided not to waste these leaves and dried them even more over pinewood fire. Afterward, he used them to brew a unique tea dark red in color and giving smokey flavor. Furthermore, whoever drank it was spellbound by the amazing taste and mouthfeel. 

    "Black tea in China was initially named “hong cha” (red tea) because of its color."

    Moreover, black tea rapidly caught attention of British and Dutch; they were amazed by what is black tea. After all, it has the capability to retain its flavor for several years. Hence, trade is how it reached different areas of the world gradually. Now, it’s popular as a breakfast staple and a beloved pick-me-up drink globally.

    What Countries Produce Black Tea?

    Let’s learn about: where does black tea come from? Although China holds the title of Black Tea Origin, India is also a major producer. You should know that India grows their own tea plant Camellia sinensis var. assamica grown mostly in the Assam region. Besides, other countries producing black tea include:

    • Sri Lanka
    • Japan
    • Korea
    • Singapore
    • Vietnam
    • Nepal
    • Kenya

    Wherever black tea is grown, people love it for its remarkable taste and mouthfeel. Moreover, this tea has become a part of several cultures. For example, it’s a staple element of English breakfast. Even the royals love it. Furthermore, they even have a whole tea etiquette for drinking it. Apart from this, black tea also holds significant cultural value in countries like India and China. At Backyard Brew, we have a wide range of tea black teas for you to try. With us, you can really have a taste of different regions around the world.

    Production Process of Black Tea – How is it Made?

    You should know that all teas are made with the same ingredient – Camellia sinensis. So, what is it that makes all the tea types so different in taste, color, and qualities? Well, it's their production process. The production process of black tea involves oxidation. This step gives black tea its robust taste. Anyway, let’s look at the other steps involved in the production of black teas:

    • Withering

     This is the first step in the production of this tea. For withering, freshly plucked leaves are spread out on wilting beds and they are left there for around 14 hours for drying. Moreover, warm air is given to the leaves using fans. As a result, the moisture of leaves is reduced to a minimum amount – by 65 to 70%. Furthermore, the process makes leaves soft and easier to roll. 

    • Rolling

    The next step involves rolling the leaves. Once the leaves are softened, manufacturers move them through a rolling machine for about 20 to 30 minutes. Moreover, this machine functions to gently massage the leaves. Resultingly, the cell wall of leaves ruptures but the leaves remain intact. The process releases enzymes and essential oils from the leaves as well. 

    • Oxidizing

    This step is a vital one. After all, it gives black tea its unique characteristics. Moreover, tea leaves undergo full oxidization to become black tea. This accounts for a lot of changes, including the color and flavors. You can expect the color of the leaves to go from green to black. This is what alters the flavor and increases the caffeine content in tea. Besides, you should know that oxidization is the process that makes black tea the strongest of them all. 

    • Drying

    This is the final step of turning leaves into tea. For drying, the leaves are placed in an oven for around 30 minutes. The main purpose of this process is to stop the oxidation and dry the leaves completely. Afterward, the leaves are categorized in different grades. Finally, tea is filled in the packaging and then shipped to reach your nearest stores. 

    When you are seeking the answers to what is black tea, you’ll find out that its overall processing method is what makes it different from others. Besides, if you are planning to buy black tea, you must know how it’s made and where is it coming from.

    What Does Black Tea Taste Like? 

    When finding out what is black tea, you should also know how it tastes like. Is black tea sweet? Or is it bitter? Well, you should know that the black tea taste offers malty, smoky, fruity, sweet, and honey flavor notes. As aforementioned, black tea gets its flavor from the oxidation process. The more oxidized it is, the more nuanced the flavor will be. Also, it is usually more bitter and astringent than black tea. However, when brewed the right way it has a smooth taste and it’s totally delightful. Furthermore, the black tea taste also depends on its origin or terroir. For instance, India’s tea is stronger than Chinese tea. You have achieved another level in your what is black tea quest. Because here we are going to talk about what the dominant flavors of teas of different regions.

    Different Countries and Their Black Tea Flavor





    Sri Lanka








    You should know that these are not the only flavors black tea from each country possesses. In fact, these are dominant flavors of their tea – you’ll find the characteristic taste in each one of them.

    The Caffeine Content in Black Tea

    Our – what is black tea – quest is really going great so far. After all, we’ve talked about so many of its amazing properties. Moreover, teas are caffeinated beverages. So, is black tea one of them or not? Well, who am I kidding? We all know that this tea type contains the highest caffeine content of them all. Why? It is so because black tea is stronger in flavor as compared to the others. And stronger taste means stronger caffeine content. But really, the main reason behind it is the oxidation process. As this tea undergoes oxidation for the longest period, it contains the highest amount of caffeine.

    "According to USDA, 100 grams of black tea contains 20mg of caffeine. Moreover, this amount is pretty high as compared to other teas."

    Although the caffeine in black tea is quite high, it’s still half as much as in coffee. So, it can be a great beverage choice if you want to avoid coffee to cut down your caffeine in-take. In other words, it will still give you the caffeine kick you need but won’t overdo it.

    Types of Black Tea You Can Try

    Here you are, on the best part of your – what is black tea – quest: the different types you can try. This section is going to be a ride of delight for you. After all, you are about to discover the real black tea goodness. Moreover, you should know that there are so many delectable black tea types for you to try. From the classics like Earl Grey tea to artisan fusions, the options are truly endless. Here are some of the top picks you should not miss out on:

    • Assam Black Tea

    This tea is a delicacy of Assam. Its bold yet soothing flavor makes it a must-try for every tea lover. As evident from its name, this tea is grown in the Assam region of India. Moreover, it is famous for its nuanced taste and aroma. Besides, if you are looking for a strong tea, this one is a great choice. Its smokey, malty, and rich flavor notes will tantalize your taste buds in the most enchanting way. Furthermore, it’s brownish-red in color and refreshingly aromatic. Additionally, it’s the kind of tea that caters to a variety of taste buds. What’s more, Assam black tea offers a lot of health benefits. You should know that it’s good for both the body and the mind.

    Did You Know?

    Assam black tea is a natural source of Vitamin A and E.

    • Darjeeling Tea

      This is another amazing tea from India! Coming from the Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts of Bengal province, this tea tastes like no less than magic. In fact, its highlight is its unique flavors, including citrusy, fruity, floral, and even vegetal notes. There is also something else you should know about its flavor. While most black tea types taste bitter and smokey, Darjeeling tea is more on the sweeter side. Undoubtedly, it is a delicacy and this is the reason why black tea is known as champagne of teas. Moreover, it has zero calories. Therefore, it is a great choice for health-conscious people or those who are trying to lose weight. Besides, it tastes really good with added milk, sugar, or honey. 

      • Lapsang Souchong

      This tea is not just rich in taste but its history too. Additionally, Lapsang Souchong represents the superior class of black tea. After all, it comes from the origin of black tea – China. In fact, it is made in the Fujian province and loved by all tea enthusiasts. Also, this tea is known for its luscious, pine-smokey flavor. Moreover, this tea gets this taste profile because its leaves are smoke-dried. If you are looking for something traditional and tasty in black teas, this one is a must-try. With this tea, you are sure to have the most delectable taste of the Chinese culture.

      • Indian Masala Chai

      This Indian black tea blend is not like anything you have tried before. Undoubtedly, it is a party in the mouth – that too a refreshing one. The most amazing thing about this tea is that it has spicy flavor notes. Sounds unusual, right? But believe me, it’s really delightful. Moreover, its flavor profile includes ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and a mix of other spice notes based on the ingredients in it. The best part of this tea is that it’s so comforting and mind-alerting at the same time. Truly, if you are a tea enthusiast, exploring this one is nothing short of an unforgettable adventure. 

      • Earl Grey Tea

      Infused with bergamot oil, this black tea blend has the most delectable flavor profiles. Are you tired of sipping on those mundane tea blends? If so, you should buy The Grey Earl by Backyard Brew. It’s infused with bergamot and gives off a floral, citrusy taste – totally refreshing! Apart from the fruitiness, it also offers an aromatic and soothing experience. It’s strong, full-bodied, and a must-try. Furthermore, it’s perfect for just any tea-sipping routine. Whether breakfast or evening unwind routine, it fits everywhere. It’s a full-bodied drink offering both flavor and the caffeine you need. Undoubtedly, it is a must-try if you love teas.

      • English Breakfast Tea

      This tea comes straight from the Royal British breakfast table to your cup. I’m talking about the English Breakfast tea. You should know that this one is quite popular across the globe due to its significance in British culture. Also, it is the staple drink of England and a mandatory part of their breakfast tables. In fact, they follow a whole tea etiquette to enjoy the tea-sipping experience to the fullest. Furthermore, people usually enjoy it with some milk and sugar. You can’t call yourself a true tea lover if you have not indulged in this one.

      • Black Pearl Tea

        Backyard Brew is always onto creating new and more delightful tea flavors for you. This time, we took inspiration from the black dragon pearls and came up with our Black Pearl Tea. Moreover, it is so much more than your regular tea. Moreover, what makes it unique is its flavor profile, offering earthy and chocolate notes. Truly, it’s a taste-filled experience you shouldn’t miss. Made with handpicked leaves, this tea is surely an amazing addition to your tea collection.

        • Ooh La Lavender

        If you are really looking for something super refreshing, you should buy Ooh La Lavender from our collection. Undoubtedly, this tea is the star of our collection. It’s a delectable twist to your regular earl grey tea. Moreover, it’s sweet, aromatic and slightly savory flavor makes it an exquisite choice for your tea time. Besides, this tea has the perfect balance of lavender notes and the citrusy zest of bergamot. Want to try something different in black tea? Why not try this one?

        • Grandma’s Tea

        Looking for something comforting for your tea time? Our Grandma’s Tea is your perfect choice. What makes it different, more flavorful than the regular black tea is the infusion of sage. Moreover, this makes the tea a robust yet calming choice. Every sip you take is a heartwarming experience that takes you back to simpler times. With this tea, you can have the traditional flavor of black tea – but better. Try it out and this may become your new favorite.

        • Ginger Peach Tea

          When it comes to fusion teas, no one can beat our level of creativity. The fusion of ginger and peach with the classic black tea is just the drink you need in your collection. The spicy kick of ginger with luscious peach is what you need. Moreover, if you are a tea enthusiast looking to try new flavors, we are your reliable go-to. If you are a true tea connoisseur, you should buy ginger peach tea. After all, it offers a truly unmatched taste experience.

          • Jordanian Chai Mix

          Want to sip on something exquisite and premium? Well, here we are bringing to you, from the finest Jordanian gardens: our amazing Jordanian Chai Mix. This is our flagship product and is made to take your tastebuds to the party of flavors. Furthermore, it is the perfect blend of hand-selected spices and black tea. And it is meant to be a part of your tea collection. It is perfect both for your morning caffeine kick and as pick-me-up drink. It’s bold flavors and soothing mouthfeel are a must-try.

          • Maui Wowie

          Here comes another great fusion of ours! Backyard Brew never fails to impress the tea lovers with their passion for innovative flavors. And it is no different this time. Our Maui wowie is a unique blend of black tea, papaya and strawberry – and it is just the perfect refreshing drink for summers. But why just summers? You can enjoy this tropical tea any time of the year. Brew it hot or cold, it tastes utterly delicious both ways. 

          Ending Thoughts – What is Black Tea?

          If you have come reading here to this section, you have unlocked all the locks on your – what is black tea – quest. With this guide, you have learned about its origin, production process and regions, flavor profile, caffeine content, and popular types. Hence, it is safe to say that black tea is a timeless beverage that people from all around the world love to brew. Whether you are a beginner or a true tea enthusiast, black tea offers you so many types to try. From the boldness of Assam Black tea to the smoky notes of Lapsang Souchong, or the spiced warmth of Masala Chai, there's a black tea for everyone. So, don’t waste your time, money, and love for black teas. Explore the diverse world of black tea, and find your perfect cup to savor every sip.


          Ryan Khalil - Author

          Ryan, better known as the Tailor of Flavor, is a masterful artisan with a passion for delighting people with remarkable flavors. He’s always focused on providing unforgettable experiences through his tasteful creations. When it comes to tea and coffee, Ryan carefully curates the finest ingredients to create authentic products for you. This blog gives you a sneak peek of his take on coffee, tea, and their status as beloved beverages.

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