Types of Coffee Drinks You Can't Miss Out On!


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Types of Coffee Drinks You Can't Miss Out On!

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    How many types of coffee drinks do you know about? Let me guess: Americano and cappuccino? Most people out there don’t know that there is a wide variety of coffee awaiting to be explored. So, let’s go beyond the basics. Here are all the different types of coffee you should know about. This guide is surely your key to amp up your sipping experience.

    Type of Coffee

    Processing Method


    Flavor Profile

    Caffeine Content

    Black Coffee

    Ground coffee mixed in water with no sweetener or dairy.


    Bold, Intense



    Espresso diluted with hot water.


    Smooth, balanced



    A concentrated coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely ground coffee.


    Bold, intense



    Equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam.


    Rich, frothy


    Flat White

    Higher ratio of espresso to milk with microfoam.

    Australia/New Zealand

    Velvety, strong



    Espresso mixed with steamed milk, and milk foam.


    Creamy, milky



    Espresso "stained" with steamed milk or foam.


    Strong, slightly sweet


    Long Black

    Aussie version of Americano

    Australia/New Zealand

    Rich, full-bodied


    Cold Brew

    Coffee brewed with cold water over 12-24 hours


    Smooth, less acidic



    Espresso with steamed milk and chocolate syrup.


    Chocolatey, sweet



    Ice cream "drowned" with hot espresso.


    Creamy, sweet



    A blended iced coffee drink topped with whipped cream.


    Sweet, creamy

    Irish Coffee

    Coffee mixed with whiskey and topped with cream.


    Smooth, warming


    Turkish Coffee

    Finely ground coffee brewed with water and sugar, served unfiltered.


    Strong, rich


    What are the Types of Coffee to Sip On?

    There is an endless variety of coffee drinks to sip on, including Americano, Latte, Cappuccino, and whatnot. Besides, coffee can be served hot, iced, or as a cold brew. It’s absolutely amazing how so many drinks can be brewed with just four types of coffee beans:

    • Arabica
    • Robusta
    • Liberica
    • Excelsa

    Moreover, you should know that most coffee shops worldwide use Arabica and Robusta beans. This is so because they are easily available as compared to the other two. It is a universal truth that the coffee fandom is a diverse one. And why shouldn’t it be? After all, there are so many types of coffees to cater to all sorts of tastes and caffeine preferences. 

    “Around 73% of the total Americans consume coffee on a daily basis. And only 4% of the Americans have coffee once a week.” - Statistica

    Are you a coffee connoisseur? Or just a beginner wanting to expand their knowledge? Well, you are at the right place. Here are all the types of coffee you can sip on:

    Black Coffee

    This type of coffee is as simple as its name – it’s black! Moreover, it is brewed without any sweeteners, milk, or flavorings. In fact, it is just coffee beans and water. You should know that it is a popular choice among serious coffee drinkers. This is so because of its rich flavor profile and the caffeine kick it gives. Furthermore, it’s the perfect drink to kickstart your day. But you can really enjoy it any time of the day. Undoubtedly, it's a bang-on PICK-ME-UP drink! You should know that your cup of black coffee is affected by the following factors:

    1. Origin of beans
    2. Roast level
    3. Grind size

    If you want to have a natural coffee experience without any additives, this one is for you! What’s more, black coffee offers a lot of health benefits too. It’s good for your heart, cognitive function, and weight loss. Looking for high-quality coffee beans to amp up your sipping experience? Check out Backyard Brew today!


    Simple yet amazingly tasty, this coffee is the star of them all! You should know that caffè Americano is made by diluting espresso shots in water. Moreover, you can get it hot or iced – both versions are equally delightful. The best part is it's available. After all, you can find Americano at almost all the cafes around the world. 

    Did You Know?

    The American soldiers of World War II are the creators of Americano. During their stay in Italy, they diluted their espresso with hot water to make something like black coffee.

    You should know that people love Americano for not just the taste but for its amazing aroma too. Moreover, this is a diluted espresso shot. In other words, Americano is milder and has a smoother taste than espresso. Furthermore, it has a high caffeine content, a full-bodied mouthfeel, and a rich taste (to die for). Anyhow, you can get this drink with single-origin coffee or even mixed blends.

    • Espresso

    This one is the base of many of your favorite coffee drinks. Whether you love lattes or macchiatos, every one of these has espresso shots in it. However, if you want something strong, get yourself a standalone shot. It will awaken your brain and put it to work. Are you working late because you are a singer? Must be really draining. So, get yourself a shot of espresso to get through it! 

    Fun Fact!
    The word Espresso is derived from the Italian language and means pressed or expressed.

    You should know that espresso is made by passing high-pressure hot water through finely-ground coffee. It’s high in caffeine and just the perfect drink to shoo away the lousiness. In other words, MORE ESPRESSO, LESS DEPRESSO! Moreover, its rich nature allows you to explore the distinctive flavor profile of coffee in the best way.

    What is Espresso con Panna?

    You should know that con Panna means whipped cream in Italian. So, Espresso con Panna is Espresso with whipped cream. The intense flavor of espresso and the velvety texture of whipped cream is a match made in heaven.

    • Cappuccino

    This is the classic drink loved and enjoyed by almost all coffee lovers. Moreover, it is also the safest choice of them all – and a pretty amazing one too. And just like all great coffee, cappuccino was also created in Italy. Besides, this is a creation of 400 years ago. You should also know that it contains espresso and milk. Its brewing process involves a shot of espresso with an equal amount of steamed milk and foam. All these ingredients are added in a ratio of 1:1:1. The best thing about this drink is the perfect balance of creamy texture and rich flavor of espresso. Another thing you should know is the different types of cappuccino, including:

    Types of Cappuccinos


    Taste & Texture

    Wet Cappuccino

    Creamy & Mild

    Dry Cappuccino

    Strong & More robust

    Iced Cappuccino

    Cold & Milky

    • Flat White

    This one is the Aussie version of our favorite cappuccino - but without the foam. Moreover, it does contain a thin layer called microfoam. This is what gives the drink the velvety and creamy cappuccino-like texture. Furthermore, coffee lovers call it the perfect balance of espresso and latte. After all, it has the perfect match of the espresso-intensity and milk-creaminess. Sip on it and enjoy your silky, creamy, and smooth cup of joe. 

    • Latte

    Here comes the winner of hearts - our very own LATTE! Coffee lovers adore caffè latte. It is so because it caters to a wide range of taste preferences. Just like cappuccino, it contains two ingredients: espresso & milk. Then what makes it different? Well, it’s the ratio of ingredients. You should know that a latte consists of 3 parts of milk to one part of espresso. As a result, you have a smooth, creamy drink with a deliciously mild coffee flavor. 

    “The consumption of Lattes has increased by 50% since 2015.” - Cafely

    The best part - you can add so many flavors to amp up your latte. This includes vanilla, caramel, etc. Moreover, you can also try pumpkin spice latte if you want a coffee for Halloween. Another tip: sprinkle some cocoa powder or cinnamon to add a touch of excitement to your lattes. Moreover, this coffee has both hot and iced versions. 

    • Macchiato

    If you are looking for a flavorful pick-me-up, a cup of macchiato is the most amazing choice. Its another Italian delicacy enjoyed all over the world. Moreover, this is one of the types of coffee that’s easily available at every coffee shop ever. You should know that this one is also made with espresso and milk. But again, the ratio is what makes the difference. Undoubtedly, it's the ideal combo of intense coffee with a hint of frothiness. Tired of your regular cappuccino? Give this one a try! Moreover, macchiato has two types:

    • Plain Macchiato
    • Espresso Macchiato

    Fun Fact!
    Macchiato is an Italian word, meaning stained or spotted.”

    • Long Black

    This drink first gained popularity in Australia and New Zealand and is now quite famous around the world. It is quite similar to Americano yet different in its own way. Yes, its true that you have to dilute espresso with wanted to make long black. But by now you already know that it’s a matter of ratios and brewing when it comes to making coffee. The same is the case of long black. For this, you have to carefully add hot water to the cup of double shot of espresso so it retains the crema. This way, you’ll have your perfect cup of long black to enjoy. If you are into brewing your own long black, you can check out our exquisite coffee collection

    • Cold Brew 

    If you are looking for a refreshing coffee drink, get yourself a cold brew. This is one if the types of coffee drinks that stand out because of its brewing method. Moreover, to make this, you have to take coarsely ground coffee and steep it in cold water for around 12 to 24 hours. 

    “Cold brew is the most popular method for brewing coffee” - National Coffee Association

    Because it has cold water, this coffee is less acidic. Also, the slow extraction (with water or milk) creates the perfect coffee flavor. 

    • Mocha

    This is one of the most popular types of coffee drinks. For those who like their coffee chocolatey and sweet, this one is a treat. Furthermore, mocha consists of a shot of espresso, some steamed milk, and a generous amount of cocoa (syrup or powder). If you are a true coffee lover, you know what an amazing delicacy this drink is. After all, it’s rich, sweet, indulgent, and oh-so-heavenly. You should also know that mocha gets its name from the mocha coffee bean from Al Mokka in Yemen. Haven’t tried it out yet? You are surely missing out.

    • Affogato

    Coffee lovers, gear up! You are about to jump onto a blissful coffee ride with Affogato! The name means drowned. And as the name suggests, this coffee is made by drowning ice cream in coffee. Moreover, this Italian treat is more like a dessert than a drink. It contains a shot of espresso with a scoop of ice cream over it. 

    • Frappuccino

    This one is a blended iced drink with coffee and a variety of other flavors. Besides, this term is a combo of Frappe and cappuccino, collectively meaning blended iced coffee drinks (frappe means ice blended and ccino from cappuccino). Moreover, you’ll find a lot of delightful variations of frappes with vanilla, chocolate, fruity flavors, and whatnot. You should also know that these drinks are known for their slushy consistency and the refreshing sipping experience they offer. 

    • Irish Coffee

    It is not an ordinary coffee. In fact, it’s a unique cocktail of delightful flavors and a rich history. It’s an Irish specialty consisting of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, sugar, and a blob of cream on top. Besides, it is comforting, warm, and utterly delicious. Also, Irish coffee was first brewed in the 1940s to keep the passengers reaching the Foynes port warm. 

    • Turkish Coffee

    Want to feel like a royal while sipping your coffee? If so, Turkish coffee is a must-try. After all, it has its roots in the Ottoman Empire. Furthermore, it became famous for its unique brewing style. Besides, this coffee is usually taken in small cups with a little bit of milk. It’s surely an indulgent experience. Why so? Because every sip is equally rich and robust. 

    Other Types of Coffee Drinks to Try!

    The above list is just perfect if you are looking to try the best coffee types for beginners. However, if you have tried all the above ones, this is time to level up. Here are some more delectable coffee types you should sip on at least once:

    Level Up Your Cup with These Coffee Drinks

    Types of Coffee

    Qualities & Flavor


    Espresso shot and foamed milk

    Cafe Au Lait

    Brewed coffee and steamed milk


    1:1 espresso shot and steamed milk


    Double Espresso

    Red Eye

    Regular brewed coffee and espresso shot


    Short espresso shot and steamed milk


    Iced coffee with rum and lemon

    Nitro coffee

    Cold Brew infused with nitrogen


    Long pulled espresso

    Quick Question: Which is the Strongest Type of Coffee?

    Obviously, espresso is the strongest coffee of them all. It is so because it contains concentrated coffee with a little bit of milk. Also, it is used as a base for so many different types of coffee drinks. Whether a mocha or macchiato, it has espresso in it. And if you wonder what’s the origin of coffee beans for espresso, you should know that it’s sourced from different places (Single origin or mixed).


    Coffee has a huge fan base. And it is all because of the huge variety you have to explore. Yes, that’s right! You can’t even count the types of coffee drinks on your fingers. The list is that long. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned coffee lover, there is always something new for you to try. The above guide has you covered for all the top coffee types (pretty much all of them) that you should skip. So, happy sipping!


    Ryan Khalil - Author

    Ryan, better known as the Tailor of Flavor, is a masterful artisan with a passion for delighting people with remarkable flavors. He’s always focused on providing unforgettable experiences through his tasteful creations. When it comes to tea and coffee, Ryan carefully curates the finest ingredients to create authentic products for you. This blog gives you a sneak peek of his take on coffee, tea, and their status as beloved beverages.

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